The Best Natural Lubricant for Menopause Dryness

Top 3 Best Lubricant for Menopause DrynessMenopause stage is a delicate stage that every lady experience sometimes in life. The menopause stage can sometimes be embarrassing in women especially those whose sexual desires get affected in the process. Due to this reason, their vagina starts to dry out, and they begin to wonder what they can do. One of the ways to reestablish your sexual desire is by using the best lubricant for menopause dryness. Well, first of all, we will take you through the best water-based lubricant to treat virginal dryness. All the lube listed in the article are offering a money back guarantee for their products. We shall also discuss causes and cure for menopause dryness following the article.

Best natural lubricant for menopause dryness

Most of the women having the vaginal dryness condition prefer using the vaginal lubricant to do away with their condition. In most cases, these lubricants work within the shortest time, but you must keep your consistency of their usage to see long-term results. Always remember that not all vaginal lubricants work effectively. Here are the best vaginal lubricants to use at any given time:

Hersolution Gel

Hersolution gel vaginal lubricant for menopauseHerSolution Gel is a natural lubricant for menopausal dryness. It works as an instant female arousal gel to increase sexual drive in women to increase low libido levels. This personal lubricant for women is produced by a trusted brand known as HerSolution Brand. HerSolution also comes in the form of pills to rejuvenate feminine overall sexual health.

Some of the natural ingredients are HerSolution gel include the niacin, hops extracts, horny goat weed, and Gingko Biloba. Purified water is also used to make it a complete water-based lube. All these ingredients work to ensure that you get the sex drive during sexual intercourse and natural female lubrication. Hersolution Gel comes with a light, fresh and natural fragrance to provide you with an intense orgasm.

Vigorelle Cream

vigorelle female enhancement creamThe Vigorelle vagina lubricant is an active personal moisturizers cream that heightens the libido levels in women.  The process of manufacturing the Vigorelle cream uses natural ingredients that work effectively to produce many sexual benefits in a woman.

The Vigorelle cream is applied externally on the vaginal part, and within a few minutes, the results come out positive. The Vigorelle lubricates works by smoothing it for easy penetration during sexual intercourse which gives maximum sexual satisfaction. Some of the herbs for female lubrication in the Vigorelle cream include

  • Peppermint oil- works by preventing vaginal dryness as well as reducing the chances of anxiety during sex.
  • L-Arginine- works by increasing the blood flow and nutrients to the erogenous parts.

V-Tight Gel

V-Tight Gel female lubricantThe v-tight gel is known best for tightening gel the vagina. Tightening the vagina gives maximum satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Apart from this, it works as a lubricant for menopause dryness providing instant arousal. Just like HerSolution gel and the Vigorelle cream, V-tight gel works best to reduce vaginal dryness as well as tighten the vagina.

The V-tight gel does not contain any chemicals as it is purely from natural ingredients. The Manjakani extract is the main active ingredient in the V-tight gel. The herb is used in India and Malaysia since long as a vaginal tightening medicine. The company is providing free shipping in the USA and also provides 90 days money back guarantee.

How to apply lubricants for females?

Apply the female lubricants twice daily on the vaginal area and clitoral hood. After application, the ingredients inside the lubes increase the blood flow to the vaginal and clitoral area. So as a result of this it will remove vaginal dryness and intensify erotic sensation. Regular use of these natural female lubes tighten the vaginal wall which in turn provide more enjoyment at the time of intercourse.

What are the causes of vaginal dryness

  • Vaginal dryness originates from different causes. Some of the causes include:
  • Menopausal stage in women
  • Consumption of harmful drugs
  • Medical conditions like cancer
  • Body immune disorder

Menopause dryness natural remedies

You can comfortably combat feminine dryness using natural remedies you find in your home. Some of these remedies include:

Eating food that contains phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens act as estrogen boosters in the body. Ladies who have vaginal dryness should consider eating foods that contain these unique compounds. Some of the foods that contain the phytoestrogen compounds include tofu and nuts. All these types of food are readily available at affordable prices.

Wear cotton underwear

Always use cotton underwears as they allow free flow of air which makes your vagina stay fresh all day. Whether you have vaginal dryness condition or not, always avoid underwear with synthetic materials and instead stick with the cotton made underwears.

Ensure to use hygienic products always

Many women prefer to use the body and personal products that contain fragrances. Most of these fragrances are not healthy to our bodies as they irritate the vagina which later leads to vaginal dryness. Doctors advise that vaginal contains a right amount of sensitive self-cleaning agents and bacteria at the same time. For this reason, there is no need to use soaps which contain the fragrance when cleaning the vaginal parts.

Having regular sexual intercourse

Having regular sex with your partner is another remedy to do away with feminine dryness. During the sexual intercourse, a woman gets aroused, and this causes more blood to flow to the vaginal tissues. When there is regular blood flow, the vaginal part gets moisturized naturally reducing the dryness impact.

Keep your body always hydrated

The best way to keep your hydration levels in your body at high levels is by taking a lot of water. Just like any other part of the body, the vagina also became dry. Dehydration causes the vagina to get dry and create low sexual moods. Regardless of the cause of your feminine dryness, ensure you take as much water as possible. Taking less water has its association with many body unhealthy issues so take as much as you can every day.

Avoid using harmful drugs

You should avoid using some drugs those have an adverse effect on our body. Smoking also can be a reason for vaginal dryness and other issues in our body.

Female dryness cure

Once you notice vaginal dryness condition, it is always advisable to first try out the above discussed natural remedies to combat the feminine dryness. After sometimes of using these home-made natural remedies and you still notice that the condition is still in existence, consult a professional physician for further treatment. The various treatment options for the vaginal dryness in women especially in menopause stages include the following methods.

Use of non-hormonal treatment

Using non-hormonal treatment is one of the best ways to combat the feminine dryness.  This treatment method involves the woman getting a non-hormonal therapy by use of the above mentioned vaginal lubricants.

Using the vaginal estrogen treatment

The vaginal estrogen treatment is famous for its fast treatment of the vaginal dryness by thickening the mucous membranes in the vagina. There are three different forms of the vaginal estrogen treatments. These forms are the estradiol treatment, estrogen vaginal creams, and the estradiol ring.

Oral treatment

The oral treatment includes the use of SERM which plays the role of estrogen booster into the vaginal part. One of the best SERM is the use of Ospemifene. As the estrogen level increases, the vaginal parts get wet which in the long run reduces the vaginal dryness.

Final words

Getting full treatment of the feminine dryness gives much relief to every woman as this condition is very disheartening. Immediately you notice the feminine dryness condition in you, try analyzing what the cause could be as this will help you in determining the best treatment to accord to the state. While choosing to use the vaginal lubricants always ensure to get the best like HerSolution gel, the Vigorelle cream, and the V-tight gel. You may start taking female arousal pills with the use of the best lubricant for menopause dryness which will speed up the recovery process. Always remember that the vaginal dryness condition is not a permanent condition.


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